Monday, November 14, 2011


Just a quick update today, bringing us to 72 completed decks:

Phage the Untouchable (survive casting Phage)
Silvos, Rogue Elemental (Voltron / big green)
Zirilan of the Claw (dragon search and re-use)
Seton, Krosan Protector (tribal druids)
Malfegor (flashback / madness)
Crovax, Ascendant Hero (Light from Within / White beatdown)
Celestial Kirin (spirit destruction / CMC 4 deck (no spirits at 4 save the general, all non-spirit stuff at 4 so it survives))

Blind Seer (Vorthos mono-U Urza deck)
5-Color Allies (general to be determined)
Glissa the Traitor (cheap artifacts and creature kill)
Adun Oakenshield (just good Jund creatures plus good sac outlets)

Midterms are due tomorrow so I can't go into too much detail today. Suffice it to say that I have more time coming up, so I hope to post a decklist or two soon, as well as some deckbuilding thoughts. I have a bunch of notes on themes that I want to organize into a longer post. I'm also setting a little mini-goal: I want to have my first 100 decks done by the new year. I think it's totally do-able at this point, since that would 6.5 weeks, needing an average of just under 5 decks a week to reach, and two of those weeks are vacation weeks for me.

More musings and a few decklists later this week, I promise! Let me know if there's a general on my list you want me to go into detail on, because I can totally do requests!

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