Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Late Update

This week has been rather busy with life stuff. We've been rearranging the house, so I've been needed for furniture moving and such. In addition, last week was the first week back from break, as well as a major project week for my students. Oh yeah, and there was Halloween to get ready for and celebrate.

So following are this past week's updates, as well as the basic route I took in building them.

Verdeloth, the Ancient (tokens)
Volrath the Fallen (Voltron / reanimation)
Horde of Notions (5C Elementals, duh)
Sivitri Scarzam (oddball theme: U/B Ladies)

And since I haven't gotten as much done to talk about, here's my first decklist posted here! In the spirit of Halloween, I've chosen my Rashka the Slayer Buffy-themed deck!

Rashka the Slayer (Our Heroine)
Aysen Bureaucrats (Xander Harris, the Zeppo)
Amrou Kithkin (Willow, High School Geek)
Doubtless One (Willow, Empowered Wicca)
Trap Runner (Faith, Rogue Slayer)
Kazandu Blademaster (Spike, Demon-killer)
Martyr of Sands (Tara, also there)
Veteran Armorer (Rupert Giles)
D'Avenant Archer (Cordelia Chase)
Squire (Andrew, Tucker's brother)
Revered Elder (Joyce Summers)
Benalish Trapper (Primal/First Slayer)
Crowd Favorites

Monk Realist (Principal Snyder)
Unruly Mob
Angry Mob
Doomed Traveler
Icatian Crier
Intrepid Hero
Glory Seeker
Expendable Troops
Mausoleum Guard
Ication Town

Hand of Emrakul
Pathrazer of Ulamog
Ulamog's Crusher
Skittering Invasion

Weapons and Accessories:
Wooden Stake
Sharpened Pitchfork
Blazing Torch
Adventuring Gear
Trailblazer's Boots
Demon's Horn
Ogre's Cleaver
Butcher's Cleaver

The Chosen One:
Repel the Darkness
Martyr's Cause
Vow of Duty
Hope Charm
Righteous Cause
Dawn Charm
Circle of Protection: Black
Quest for the Holy Relic
Spare from Evil

Moves / Spells:
Narrow Escape
Devouring Light
Mighty Leap
Diversionary Tactics
Moment of Heroism
To Arms!
Timely Reinforcements
Off Balance

Guardian Angel ("Is he even still on this show?")
Renewed Faith
Bonds of Faith
Aura of Silence ("Hush")

Buncha Plains

This is quite a poor deck, actually. There are likely far better choices for this deck, but many cards were chosen for their art or their name, and all were chosen to be cheap. Many also have quotes or lines in Sharpie written on them. Hope you like it!

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